Anime is probably the broadest term in the world. You can have girl anime, guy anime, action anime, horror anime, mecha anime, romantic anime, the list goes on. This section is a simple place where I can give credit to the anime I've watched, and the anime I've loved.

MM's Rating
I found hack to be enjoyable, but that's because when I watched it, I had nothing else to do. Honestly, it's very hard to keep with this anime, because it 'idles' if you know what I mean. There are times when you feel like you've missed something, or that the characters are really doing anything, and at those times it's very easy to just give up. But if you're willing to sit it out to the end, it can be a fun anime.
Status: I own the box set of .hack//sign.


Gundam Wing
Gundam Wing to me was one of the most beautifully done anime I'd ever seen. I loved the mecha, I loved the characters, and I enjoyed the story. Of course, it was very easy for me because I was a rabid anime fan-girl when I was introduced to it ^.^
I own the box set of Gundam Wing.


Princess Mononoke
Princess Mononoke was one of the anime movies I'd seen that made me wish I could see more anime movies. It was the first anime movie that I saw, and from the first line of dialog I knew I'd love it forever. The star of this film isn't the characters or the director but the story-line and artwork itself. It's veyr enjoyable for those of us who dreamed of talking to animals when we were kids. I'm pretty sure C.S. Lewis would've loved it.
I own this movie.


Robotech was probably one of the first few anime that I became obsessed with. It aired right after Sailor Moon, and it was my introduction to mecha anime. I recognized that it was drawn a little different than what I was used to, and I loved it nontheless. The story was amazing, the concepts were cool, and the characters made you stick around to see what happened next.
I own all three seasons of Robotech (Macross, Masters, and Invid), saddly though, they are all dubbed.


Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon was my first anime. I will always love it because it made me love anime. It made me curious about this crazy beast called anime that everyone but me seemed to know about. I still enjoy watching Sailor Moon even if I find the concepts really childish. I think this anime is great for teenage girls, and it makes me feel awfully nostalgic.
I own all of the Sailor Moon box sets and I'm collectiong the movies as well.


Tenchi Muyo
Tenchi Muyo was one of those anime that's around solely for a laugh. If you want to laugh, then by all means watch Tenchi becuase it hilarious what they get into. But don't go out and buy it if you don't put a high price on laughing. I loved the anime because I enjoyed the characters and how they interacted. Plus, laughter is priceless to me.
I own Tenchi Muyo and Tenchi Universe box sets.


The Slayers
The Slayers was a funny/serious anime...which I hadn't seen that often. There are dramas and there are comedies and so on, but Slayers was the first one that had a lot of fun but when you got towards the end of the seasons, everything got serious (ok, well, almost everything). The world was new and interesting, the characters were fun to watch and easy to empathize with, and the comedy was water-cooler material.
Status: I own all three box sets of the three seasons of Slayers and I'm slowly collectting the movies.



Trigun is such a switch hitter...It starts off all fun and games, and 3/4 of the way through your in tears at all the angst. But you come out at the end of it feeling good about watching it. I think it's because Vash is so lovable in the beginning, you become attached to him and you don't ming going all thesee terrible places with him. You find yourself interested in the characters and the content and it keeps you hooked.
Status: I own the Trigun box set.


Innuyasha gets a low rating if only because I find it hard to keep myself interested. That doesn't happen to me often. I usually stick to an anime like glue till it's finished and then I'm like, "Wow, it was hard geting all the way through that." But I've seen like 80 episodes of Inuyasha, and I announced "Stick a fork in me. I'm done." It's a beautiful peice of art work, a great story with lots of fun, but I find it tiring because none of the problems got solved right away. They just keep coming back in different forms.


Magic Knight Rayearth

MKR is one of those anime that's kinda hard to take's a token CLAMP anime with beautifully drawn and deatailed characters, the bad girls wearing very revealing (and impratical) clothing, and an amazing world where they all exist...but about mid-way through you find yourself mocking the "Cephiro is the land of the will!" theme, and it becomes funny without even wanting to. I enjoy it becuase I enjoyed the story line. It went places I'd never seen an anime go before (I think it was my 4rd anime, and certainly my first CLAMP anime).


Fruits Basket

Fruits Basket was a fun anime. It's one that makes you feel good, and I always enjoy watching it. The characters are extremely original and the story was definately different. I fully intend to buy this anime if only so that I can watch it and remind myself of how fun anime is.